Choosing the correct sanding block to use is important, so here are some guide lines.
- Don’t hesitate to try several different blocks until you find one that feels right for the area you’re block sanding.
- The same panel can have a lot of different shapes, and will require different blocks for each of those shapes, so always be paying attention when you might need to be switching blocks.
- The more rigid a block is, does not make it better. Often times, you might be worse off.
- A sanding block should be chosen based on its flexibility. The block should take a small amount of pressure to conform to the shape of the panel being bodyworked.
- If only the center of the block is sanding, the block is too rigid. If the ends of the block are sanding too easily, the block is probably too flexible.
- Let the block do the work!! Only use about as much pressure as necessary to hold the block against the panel while you’re sanding. There is no need to intentionally push the block into the panel.
- All sanding blocks need to flex, even if it’s a very small amount. There might be an exception if you’re body working a flat wall, but 99.9% of the time there is shape in a panel in one direction or another. It is crucial for your sanding block to be able to conform to that. This is very important in eliminating the choppiness you might have when you feel body work vertically on a panel. A completely rigid block will have a very hard time eliminating that.
- As with everything else; pay very close attention, and be patient!