One thing I have been doing (mostly from the mindset of 'how can I do this better') is spread filler over 80 grit, and over 40 grit. I rough everything in with 40 grit. But the areas that need to be re filled, I will sand with 80 grit until the 40 is gone, and fill over the 80 grit. Depending how close it is, I'll block it out, or if it's still pretty rough, use a d/a. This helps keep pin holes down, and honestly is just one less thing to shrink. And I like how the filler spreads over 80 grit a lot better. #bodywork #tips #autobodytips #bodyworktips #painting #paintingtips #fitandfinish #quality #details #hotrods #c10 #therefinery #tylerkrauseinc